Movie Studio Vintage Mini Pan Floor Lamp with Stand, Mid-20th Century. Working Original


Movie Studio Vintage Mini Pan Floor Lamp with Stand, Mid-20th Century. Working Original

$2,999.00 $2,249.00

Movie Studio Vintage Mini Pan Floor Lamp with Stand, Mid-20th Century. Working Original

Availability: In Stock

Offered for your approval, a Circa 1969 Cinema Production Light Fixture on stand.

Made by Colortran as the ‘Mini Pan’ model. This fixture is working and is lamped with a low wattage exposed filament LED lamp.

Beautiful soft glow for home or office. Original Colortran castered chrome light stand that is period correct. Original factory blue finish. No repaint. Lots of good patina.

A wonderful artifact of the Mid-Century motion picture industry. Hard to find this model anywhere.
Works perfectly and looks absolutely awesome.

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